I know I'm around 2 weeks late with this post but after getting back from my trip I had allot of work to catch up on.
Here's the last report from my Road Trip up to Oregon and back down the coast .
Tuesday after getting my car back from
Lithia VW and my prolonged detail stop at the
Astro Jet I was finally back on the road. Josh had made it home safely the night before and after the oil pan fiasco I decided I needed a little vacation so i took HWY199 from Grants Pass Oregon down to the California coast .
I had to get fuel in Grants Pass ,I stopped at the Chevron off the 199 in GrantsPass during the time it took me to walk in and pay the attendant the toothless youth working out front took it upon themselves to clean my windshield for me I guess my car wasent clean enough for her. As I was walking out I might have been overly harsh with her explaining how i had just spent close to two hours detailing the car , I finished up the windshield for her and proceeded to fill my car up with real 92 Octane , guess there a law in Oregon your not allowed to fill you own car up after the windshield I wasent letting them touch the .:R again so I took care of business and left quickly ! The 199 is also called RedWood HYW and winds thought some of the nicest countryside Oregon has to offer , it also passes the Oregon caves near the town of Cave junction.
Along the way I stopped in the metropolis know as Wonder , OR to get some snaks

After my stop in Wonder OR , I was starting to get a little homesick for familiar ground I was happy to be out of Oregon!

After crossing the boarder in to California I found some really nice twisties to have some fun on for a few runs

after a quick rally stop on the twsties I got back on the road and headed tward the coast . There nothing more beautiful than the Pacific !

Just below this vist point is one of my favorite beaches , it's a grey sand beach at Lagoon valley road.
So I stopped and went for a short
Hike to go find a nice spot for lunch, wile i was eating i noticed there were
SeaSnailsall over the place too bad I'm not French !
Just outside Klamath, Ca there's a place called Tree's of Mystery , it a tourist stop and outside they have a giant Paul Bunyan and Babe , his big Blue OX .
If you have ever driven this section of the 101 I'm sure you remember seeing this .
Wile stopping for this pic i got eyed up pretty hard by what appeared to be German tourist ( i travel allot and YES they like the Sweeds stick out like as I'm sure we do over there )
Needless to say as i was leaving i held it down for Deutschland pretty hard , all the way to 4th when I glanced back they looked pleasantly amused!

After this it was starting to get late so I rolled into Arcata just in time to stop by
Revolution cycle everyone at Revolution are super cool and they ended up picking up a few stems from us so if you live in the Arcata area stop in and grab a stem and whatever else you might need!
Thanks to Revolution , I was able to get a hotel and a good dinner , after the oil pan my available funds were starting to get dangerously low ! The next morning I went for a quick ride in the Arcata Community forest it was a really good time but I needed to get back on the road . I had along trip ahead of me that day.
Avenue of the giants is a road that runs next to Hwy 101 and has a ton of huge tree's on it

I stopped for a second to take some photos of the .:R32 next to some trees that were bigger than my car !
Further down Avenue of the Giant's there is a Drive through Tree!
I have wanted check out this
Drive through Tree ever since I bought the .:R32 a little over 2 years ago .
This one is off of the Avenue of the Giants someplace around Leggett . Wile I was stopping here i spoke with the guy who runs this tree theme park and found out there are 2 other Drive Through Tree's , one a few hundred miles back up the road in Klamath near Trees of Mystery , were I had just been the day before , and the other wasent far from his park so heck 2 drive through tree's in one day I'm in!

There's a few other cool things at this Tree Theam park for car , they have a
Drive on Log and a Tree house , that sorta looks like something from the
Berenstain Bears . Well thats if the Berenstain Bears
Rolled a .:R32 I found the second drive through Tree , it isn't easy trying to take pictures of your car
in a Redwood tree not allot of room to get out of your car and snap the pic .

Wile I was taking pictures of the .:R32 in the Chandler Tree some Chinese tourist commented that they really liked the .:R32 and asked if they could take a picture in front of it ,
so I took pictures of them taking pictures in front of my car. On the way home i stopped at ClearLake to go swimming for a bit , it was super hot.

Last shot of the trip , Clearlake CA jsut before rolling into YUBA city and waiting for well over an hour to get food at a
SONIC seems like all the youth of YUBA city find it funny to hang out at the sonic on a Wednesday night and order food in the drive up spot , you kids really need to get cars !
After waiting for over an hour to get a grilled cheese and a chicken wrap I was over it and drove Hwy 99 home .